Wacker Silicones
Water Repellent Application
Cutting and Drilling
Welcome To Savison & Company
Our firm was started in December 1979, as Distributor of M/s. Metroark Limited, who were the pioneer of manufacture of Silicones in India. We have been catering to the industry in the Eastern India with highly specialized silicone chemicals. One of the major use of silicones is in the protection and preservation of buildings. On demand from clients we started application of silicone masonry protection products. In the mean time silicone sealants were introduced in India by GE USA. We became their Distributor for Eastern India and started selling as well as applying on buildings. In the year 2000 M/s. Wacher Chemie AG, of Germany had a joint venture with M/s, Metroark Limited, taking 51% share of the Partnership.
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